Major Project Update
Preproduction is still under way for the major project. We are currently working on the level design and concepting of assets. Early...
2015 Major Production
Major Production For the rest of the year, the major focus will be on the group production. We will be creating a 3D platformer called...

Game Jam, Cosmonauts a New Look and Team Work
It has been a while since my last post so this one will be a big one. The past week has seen the second AIE Game Jam for the year as well...

Character Update #7 (and a hint at whats to come)
It has been a while since my last post, this one will be the last character update before it gets submitted this week (I will do a final...
Character Update #6
Another update on the character. The due date is approaching and I feel that progress is going well. The animations are being refined, as...
Group Project
Every few weeks there have been group projects in which we create a small game prototype to demonstrate a cconcept. These have been...

Character Update #5 - Mission to the Moon!
Early missions to the moon are proving succesful. They have been providing valuble data on how to move around in a low gravity situation,...
Character Update #4
Another update on the cosmonaut. Over the weekend, I have focused on skinning and rigging the character so that it can be animated and...

Space...More Space...and Trains
This post is a big one. The past week has seen a lot of work conducted on a variety of projects. The character modeling is complete and...

Character Update #2
It has been just over a week since the last post. Most of the modeling has been completed and work is starting on the skeleton. The...