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Character Update #4

Another update on the cosmonaut. Over the weekend, I have focused on skinning and rigging the character so that it can be animated and taken into game (I will be using Unreal Engine 4). So far, the hardest part has been the fingers and upper body. I have encounted a few problems while working on the fingers which, I hope, have been solved. I am also constructing the control rig. This will include an IK set up for the arms and legs (possibly with a IK/FK switch as well). All in all I feel that progress is going well.

On a side note, work is also continuing on the group project. We have been concepting and trialing parts of the game and things are progressing well. While these group project are, at the moment, focused on prototyping they are building up our skills so that we are ready for the major game project.

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