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Projects Update

Whilel I am lookking for a job in the industry I have been working on my own personal projects as well as some client work.

Client Work

For the past month I have been helping upgrade the web design for Magic Effects Digital (a video production and stage managment company). This process included the redesign of the whole site, as well as improving upon the exising setup. This has been a fun and interesting task as it has been a lot different from what I am used to. The main site was re-launched over the weekend.

Personal Work

Last Friday we had the unfortunate occurence of a small flood downstairs. This meant the entire weekend was devoted to cleaning up and putting stuff back together. During the clean up I uncoved plans and diagrams for a number of NSW railway buildings and structures. I have decided to use these plans and see what I can do with them. The buildings are quite modular, so this will be a great excersise in creating a moudular system. I have spent some time planning out what parts are common/unique as well as how I will set out the texture sheet so that I can re-use it as much as possible. So far I have built the A1 NSW station building, the smallest of the 10 station buildings in the "A" catagorey. Here are some screen shots

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