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Major Project Update

Preproduction is still under way for the major project. We are currently working on the level design and concepting of assets. Early tests of the grey box have thrown up some issues that need to be sorted, however this is to be expected and is the whole point of us testing early, and frequently. As the team leader for this project, I have been busy making sure all the required documentation is there and that we are making progress. Keeping things moving is important, as there is not a whole lot of time before each submission stage. Next Friday is when most of the preproduction documentation will need to be submitted for review, along with other proof of concept work. This will include a short video demonstrating our idea, which will be sent to people working in the industry. This will be an important step in gaining feedback on areas we can imporve or change.

If you would like to find out more about the project, check out the website (available here). We will be updating the development blog on a regular basis, so check back often to see whats new.

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