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Character Update #7 (and a hint at whats to come)

It has been a while since my last post, this one will be the last character update before it gets submitted this week (I will do a final wrap up and upload some more images under the project section of my website later this week as well). There is also a new group project starting up.

Character Update #7

The core work is complete, with a few extra additions being made to try out new things and add a bit of interest. The HUD system is working nicely as well, providing feedback about the characters oxygen and jet pack fuel levels. It also has a basic inventory system, capable of holding two items at a time (in theory thiswould simulate holding something in your left and right hand). The 'game' includes a few items spread around the crashed capsule you landed in. You are able to walk around, collecting spare oxygen tanks, a jet pack and a flag. The game play is limited though, as the focus was on creating an interactive character.

The below shot has been created entierly inside UE4 (using post process effects to achieve an old, grainy look), and is the view from the static camera. This static camera is representing an old black and white film camera used to record EVA (Extra Vehicular Activities) operations, and was included mainly just for fun. Here, the cosmonaut stands next to the flag, with the crashed capsule behind them. Some of the other pick up items are also visible in the background of the shot.

Whats Next?

Discussion is also under way regarding the end of year project. It is still very early on, but a team has been formed and we are talking about ideas for an adventure/exploration style game. Beyond this nothing has been set and we hope to have more detailed discussions following the completion of the current assignments.

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