More NSWGR Assets
Continuing my work on NSWGR buildings and structures, I started work on the G pattern of goods sheds. The first two modeled and in-game so far are the G1a and G1b variants. These are similar in size to the A1 and A2 stations, however the roof style and placement of the water tank differ. The major difference is in the construction material. The goods sheds are all clad in corrugated sheets with wooden panels across the areas where goods would be handled. Below is a screen shot from Trainz of the two buildings. In terms of texture layout, they use the shame positioning as the station buildings, just with a different material.
There next buildings in the line will be the G1 through to the G6. In addition to these, the larger sheds have a large platform they sit in the middle of. For this I have created a wooden platform spline asset that can be used to accommodate any desired length I need, rather than making a custom platform for every shed. The smaller sheds however will have their own platform as part of the model.